Saturday, October 1, 2011

Whew! another crazy saturday!

This was today's schedule. I can understand if you feel tired by the time you are done reading it! lol We woke up at 7:30am. My children both do soccer and today was picture day. 7:45am, toast, eggs and juice as we are putting on shoes and socks. At the field at 8:30am. Pictures taken at 9:15am. Game starts early at 9:40am. Leave field at 10:50am. Home by 11am to get 7 yr old ready for a birthday party, snack, shower, dress, and drive her to the party  by 12:30 after I comb out her hair as it is a beauty salon party. The 9 yr old is out playing and thankfully out of my hair! lol Back home by 1pm after the drop off to get the 9 yr old ready for her cheer. Shower, hair!!!!!!, uniform, where are those damn socks??!!! pick up the 7 yr old by 3pm, 9 yr old , yes, at home, still looking for the damn socks!!! pack a bag, water, juice, snacks, are the chairs in the van? pick up the 7 yr old friend who is sleeping over tonight at 4pm, leave the house at 4:30pm for the ride to Pennsville, NJ. Arrive at 5 and keep the 2 seven year olds entertained and , of course, fed by the overpriced snack bar for 2 hours while rooting for the 9 year old cheering! Leave at 7pm for the ride back home, now dropping off a cheerleader friend in the next town and stopping at WAWA for hot chocolate since it is soooo cold they all tell me. I think they just wanted the hot chocolate! lol Walk in our front door by 8:30pm, they are STILL hungry! and the 2 seven year olds now want to get a bath! why say no? sure, in the bath they go! sit with my sister for about an hour, well, really, she keeps me company while I clean up the kitchen, run up to check on them in the bath and talk to the 9 yr old abut her school project! My sister leaves at 10:30 and it is time to sign on and try to get some homework done! WHEW!!! Seer you tomorrow! oh, wait! I have to get the girls to bed! lol Good night!

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Oh Angianna, you took a day right out of my life. All 4 of my boys play football so I get it. At least this year they are playing in a league where all of them have games on the same day. But yes, it’s the earlier rise, feed, dress (or should I say search for clothes then dress), get snacks, grab chairs, load cars, oh wait did anyone get water bottles, are we missing any kids. Let’s go. Then it’s sitting at the field from 10am until 8pm, with an two hour break in-between (Thank goodness.) Drop offs for teammates (sometimes) home, bath/showers (thank goodness for 2 bathrooms) drive me crazy for about an hour. Than……Goodnight. Oh the joy of single parenting. LOL Enjoy and have fun.
