Monday, October 24, 2011

Out in the dating world!

UGH! is all I can say! I am so tired of meeting these men that have absolutely nothing to offer except the obvious! lol I hate that they ask me for money, ask me for a ride, and the best of all is when they tell me they are married but the marriage died a long time ago! Are you serious? I have no clue where to meet an eligible man. I sometimes wonder if I should even waste my time thinking about it, let alone worrying about it. It would be nice to have a companion, a partner, someone to hold hands with, laugh with, discuss life with over dinner, the paper over breakfast. It feels lonely sometimes and even though my life is busy, I think is this it? Is THIS really all there will be? What happens when they grow up, which will be quick, will I sit here alone? I tried the online dating and found lonely, desperate men worse off than me and didn't even realize it! We all need to be loved and feel loved and comforted, cared for and nurtured. The men my age have children out of college and already have grandchildren. I had my first daughter at 40 and my other daughter at 42. I just had to wonder am I the only single mom or person that feels this way? I can't possibly be alone but what do we do about it?


  1. Lol. welcome to the generation of "new" men. they are not afraid to be broke, have no car and living with their momma. Lol. this is the generation that accepts relationships outside of marraige. All I can say is good luck and hopefully the right man will come along...if not use the Temporary(underlined and bolded) mr. right now if you have too...

  2. Maybe if you think of what qualities you would like in a man and where men with those qualities might be found you would have better luck. If you're religious and want someone with like beliefs or morals, the church/synagogue might be the place to build friendships and network. If you want a partner who understands what you've been through, maybe getting to know people who work for DV organizations would be a good start. It seems like everything else in our culture is specialized and even overspecialized, yet we don't know how to meet people who we feel we can trust and get to know and develop friendships or a healthy relationship with. So analyze, itemize, prioritize, and then stick to high standards and seek only in places where most likely to be found!
