Monday, October 3, 2011

Another night of homework

Here I am again! Once again getting the girls to bed and doing homework, the only silence I feel I get out of the whole day! I love it! I feel so good that I am doing something so good for me and the girls! I used to feel self-destructive and not productive! My girls have given me a second life, a second chance to repair my life and be able to really enjoy all it has to offer. It is nice to walk home from the train and think what we are having movie night! We all snuggle on the sofa and eat popcorn, sitting as one, our bodies intertwined. How comforting! It makes feel like, can't really think of the right word, so many come to mind! The closest I can come is "complete." Yes, I feel complete knowing I am teaching them the right things and probably a few wrong things too! But I know I am trying my best and when the house is full of my two girls and all of their friends from the street, running around on the lawn, making a lemonade stand, sitting around in their bathing suits eating ice cream and laughing, running over to give me a hug! Yes, the homework is well worth it!

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to feel complete. In some ways I envy you. My daughter is very sensitive to sounds, tastes, sights, and touch. I can't touch her because she says human touch burns her. So there's no intertwining on the sofa going on here. But still I am so grateful, and I do feel like my life is complete. It's just my daughter and I in our home and I cannot imagine an empty house, one without her. Its really good to enjoy the relationships we have under our roof!
