Friday, November 11, 2011


Yes, the big M! A blessing and a curse! I am done!!! YES!!! lol No more! Finite! Finished!! Game Over!!! lol I have noticed the changes in my body over the past year, some good, some not so good. The insomnia I can deal with. I have not been much of a sleeper anyway the past few years. I have become an expert on Bridezilla and Jerseylicious. The reruns are on late at night and it is mindless tv so I watch, then channelsurf, then go back and watch some more. The hot flashes get me at times. It feels like a warm blanket wrapped around me and I can't get out of it! I can feel the flash creep up my arms, up my neck until my face is red and I'm like"Whew!!!" It doesn't last too long but they are frequent. The moods really bother me! I finally called my doctor and he suggested I go on hormones. He seems rather blase about it. I asked enough questions but he still think sit is the best way to go. He said all the symptons; hot flashes, insomnia, moods, are all part of loss of estrogen. Who knew? I have the prescription but am still not sure. The moods come almost like a cycle. I was a mess last week and now feel like me again. I had a talk with the girls about it. I let them ask me questions and tried to answer the best I could. My 7 year old said she knew something was wrong! lol They said I look like a chicken when I get that angry and my hands are on my hips and my head is bopping around. We all laughed picturing it and them imitating me. I think we will all survive the big "M" due to our being able to sit and talk to each other and laugh about things later. Yes, we will survive!

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