Sunday, December 4, 2011

Holiday Time

Well, the tree is up! Thank you to my sister for lending us her tree when we lost a major part of ours! lol  and the lights are hung up outisde! The house looks so pretty with the lights on the lawn and the tree in the window. There are times I pull in my driveway and think, "Wow, I really do live here!" I have worked so hard to keep our home and some months it is a struggle to keep up but I could not imagine us living anywhere else. We moved into this houe when my youngest daughter was 3 months old and now she will be 8 next month. So many memories cherished and memories I wish I did not have. Although I would not be the person I am today if I had not gone through the good and bad times. As the end of the year approaches I often tend to reflect, not only on the past year, but on my life. I am unsure if this a sign of aging or just gaining wisdom, maybe alittle of both? I often feel wistful about some of the things I feel I could have changed, a different path I could have taken. I really do believe that God gives us choices. The path is yours for the choosing. I look back and think if I would have done one thing different and wonder how it would have affected my life. Would I have my children? Would I feel as independent as I now do? Would I have the self-confidence I now feel? Some many thoughts race through my mind. Would I have been happy? Would I be on a cruise with my millionaire husband, my perfect children in college? lol NAHHHH!! I will gladly take the life I have now and you know why? Because the 2 little angels sleeping upstairs would not have it any other way! and they are the only reason I have survived!